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How to Start a Fashion Blog (and Make Money) – Step by Step

Are you looking to start a fashion blog but don’t know where to begin? It is easy to start a blog, but the difficult part is to be successful and make money from it. In this article, we will show you how to start a fashion blog as well as share tips on how to make money from your fashion blog.

Starting a fashion blog and making money

Why You Should Start a Fashion Blog?

If you are passionate about fashion and style, then you must have seen some top fashion bloggers and influencers on Instagram.

These fashion blogs not only provide a platform to the bloggers, but they also bring lots of opportunities their way. You will be surprised to discover the many ways fashion bloggers make money from their blogs.

According to Harper’s Bazaar, designers and top brands spend over a BILLION dollar each year advertising on Instagram alone.

Top 10 Fashion Blog Examples That Are Crushing it in 2018

Top fashion blog examples

Apart from money, a fashion blog allows you to express yourself in the most creative way. Here are some of the top fashion blog examples that you can follow for inspiration.


One thing you’ll notice about each of the top fashion blog examples above, is that they all have their own unique voice, personality, and taste in fashion. These fashion bloggers bring their own unique perspective to highlight their favorite products, merchandise, and brands.

If you believe that you have a unique take on fashion and style, then you should definitely start a fashion blog.

While setting up the fashion blog part is easy, like all important things in life making the blog popular and monetizing it requires effort.

However if you do it right, then you’ll certainly find the experience to be rewarding and fulfilling.

What You’ll Need to Start Your Fashion Blog

Fashion blogging

First, you need to choose the right platform to build your own fashion blog. You have plenty of choices, but each one of them have its own pros and cons (see our comparison of the best blogging platforms).

For example, you can start a free blog on a platform like WordPress.com, Tumblr, Blogger, etc.

These are called free blogs, and they are very limited in terms of features and flexibility when it comes to growing your personal brand. Most important limitation is your ability to make money from your content.

What about Starting a Fashion Blog with Instagram?

Instagram is awesome, but you don’t own it. You can build a huge following and all of this can go away immediately if Instagram decides that your content violated some of their policy.

We are not saying that you shouldn’t use Instagram. You must use it to build a large audience, but you will need a central platform that you can control where you can keep the audience coming back for years to come.

The best way to build your fashion blog is by creating your own website with complete ownership and full control.

Now the question is, how could a beginner with no knowledge of coding can build a website?

This is where WordPress.org comes in. It is a powerful website builder which gives you absolute control and full ownership of your website. It’s important not to confuse WordPress.org with WordPress.com. They’re two different platforms. (See our comparison of WordPress.com vs WordPress.org for more details).

There are three things you need to start a fashion blog using WordPress.org:

  1. Domain name – This will be your website’s address and what users will type in browser to visit your blog (Example, wpbeginner.com).
  2. Web hosting – This will be your blog’s home and where you will store all your website files.
  3. Your undivided attention for 30 mins

Yes, you can start a brand new fashion blog in 30 minutes, and we’ll walk you through the whole set up step by step.

In this tutorial, we will cover the following: https://balenciagahoodies.de/hoodie/

  • How to Register a Domain Name for Free
  • How to Choose the Best Web Hosting
  • How to Install WordPress
  • How to Find the Perfect Theme (website design) for Your Fashion Blog
  • How to Add Content to Your Fashion Blog
  • How to Get More Visitors to Your Fashion Blog
  • How to Make Money from Your Fashion Blog
  • Resources to Learn WordPress and Grow Your Fashion Blog

Ready? Let’s get started.

Setting up a Fashion Blog Using WordPress

A domain name typically costs $14.99 / year and web hosting normally costs $7.99 / month.

That’s a lot for beginners who are just starting out.

Luckily, our friends at Bluehost are offering a free domain, a free SSL, and a 60% discount on hosting to our readers.

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