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5 Top Kratom Recipes For 2022

Herbal therapy revolves around the usage of effective herbs in managing health issues. If you wish to utilize therapeutic herbs for well-being, Kratom or Mitragyna speciosa occupies the top position. The herb is native to Southeast Asia and is the powerhouse of several healthful antioxidants.  

You can include this herbal constituent in your diet through various delicious recipes and foodstuffs. You may try it all by starting your day with a cup of hot kratom coffee and sipping on kratom juices to quench your thirst.  

Here’s the list of top recipes infused with kratom for optimum health. 

1. Kratom-Infused Coffee

Would you like to sip hot coffee right after you wake up?  

Most people savor their morning coffee with a nice view of the sunrise. In case you like it too, you can always enrich your coffee through the daily dose of kratom extracts.  

The recipe is relatively easy to prepare and comes packed with the much-needed nutrients for your vital organs. From the goodness of kratom extracts to the sweet indulgence of vanilla extracts, you need it all for the recipe. Not to forget, coffee is low in caffeine and doesn’t contribute to the harmful effects of caffeine. You can buy kratom online in different strains and varieties for a versatile experience with kratom-infused coffee. 


  • 1-ounce brewed coffee 
  • 2 tbsp honey 
  • 2 tbsp vanilla simple syrup 
  • Your daily dose of kratom 

How To Prepare? 

  • Take the brewed coffee into a cup and add some honey to it. 
  • Put in the simple syrup and mix the contents well.  
  • In the end, you can add kratom and stir well before serving the coffee. 

2. Lemon Kratom Tea  

If you’re feeling lethargic or low on energy, try the easy yet energizing kratom tea recipe. Add lemon juice to instill a tangy and citrussy flavor to your regular morning tea. Also, you can prepare the recipe using minimal essentials like kratom, lemon juice, and oranges.  


  • 2 ounces of water 
  • ½ lemon juice 
  • 1 orange, sliced 
  • ½ lime to garnish 
  • 1-2 tbsp. Honey 
  • The daily dose of kratom 

How To Prepare? 

  • Take a saucepan and add some water, bringing it to a boil. 
  • Add the kratom and lemon juice to boiling water. Further, let the mixture seep in for a few minutes. 
  • Mix the honey with the mixture and put in the citrus fruits. Serve your tea fresh and hot.  

3. Kratom Mix Juice 

Another great recipe to mask the bitter taste of kratom is a mix of fruit juice. You can prepare a lip-smacking juice and add some kratom tincture to boost the nutritional value. You need different fruits and some ginger to add to the tasting notes. Further, top it up with ice cubes and enjoy your drink chilled.  


  • 1 Fresh Pineapple, sliced 
  • ½ Mango, sliced 
  • 1 Kiwi 
  • ½ Papaya 
  • Ginger, to taste 
  • Kratom powder 
  • Ice cubes 

How To Prepare? 

  • Add the fresh fruits and ice cubes to the juicer. Turn on the juicer for 2-3 minutes.  
  • Put in your daily dose of kratom and blend the mixture once again.  
  • Pour the fresh juice into your glass and top it with fruit slices. 

4. Kratom-Infused Oats  

Choosing a healthy breakfast option might be a daunting task for all health-conscious people. That’s where the easy and delicious overnight oats recipe creeps in to satiate your hunger pangs. You can prepare oats infused with kratom to kickstart your metabolism right after waking up. Also, get the essentials like almond milk, honey, and vanilla extract to prepare a hearty and filling breakfast. 


  • ½ ounce old-fashioned rolled oats 
  • ½ ounce almond milk 
  • 2 tbsp. Greek yogurt 
  • 1 tbsp. chia seeds 
  • 1 tbsp. Honey 
  • ½ tbsp. vanilla extract 
  • Kratom 

How To Prepare? 

  • Add all the ingredients to a bowl and stir the mixture well.  
  • Put in the bowl in the refrigerator overnight.  
  • Top the chilled overnight oats with fresh fruits and some honey. Enjoy your delicious breakfast with a glass of fresh juice. 

5. Blueberry Kratom Smoothie 

Late-night binge-watching calls for a healthy yet delicious snack to delight your taste buds. Instead of munching on caramel popcorn, you can satiate your sweet tooth through fruit-enriched smoothies. Try adding some kratom extracts to your smoothie for better taste as well as nutrition. Also, you can prepare the smoothie using some blueberries, bananas, and vanilla extract. Make versatile smoothies using your favorite fruits for a quick sweet snack option. 


  • 1-ounce milk or Greek yogurt 
  • 1 banana, sliced 
  • ½ ounce blueberries 
  • 1-ounce kale, chopped 
  • ¼ tbsp. vanilla extract 
  • 1 tbsp. maple syrup 
  • Your daily dose of kratom 

How To Prepare? 

  • Blend all the ingredients for a few minutes. 
  • Pour your smoothie into a glass and add some kratom extracts. Further, you can garnish the smoothie using fresh fruit slices. 

Bottom Line 

Healthy eating is all about keeping a check on the kind of food you consume and the nutritional value of the same. When it comes to improving your dietary habits, you can start with kratom extracts. You can prepare some delicious recipes using essential ingredients and kratom tinctures. Some recipes like kratom smoothies and kratom-infused oats make great breakfast options. Other than this, try the kratom-infused beverages to kickstart your metabolism and start the day positively. Research the possible options to transform your dietary habits effectively and feasibly.

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