Home Health When You Need a Bunion Surgery?

When You Need a Bunion Surgery?

bunion surgery

If you’re here it’s likely that you’ve noticed a bunion on the bottom of one foot for some time currently.

There was a time when this bump was lower than. It was possible to ignore it for a while, or at least. Although it wasn’t very appealing, however, it wasn’t hindering your normal day-to-day routine.

And now?

It could be that your toe is feeling slightly stiffer than it did in the past. Perhaps it’s more difficult to wear shoes. Maybe you’ve noticed more discomfort during your exercises, or perhaps you’ve had calluses, corns, or blisters appear.

In short the simplest terms, your bunion is becoming more difficult to ignore.

Is it finally the right time to have surgery?

Maybe. We’ll need more details first.

Surgery Can Be a Great Option–But Only When It’s Truly Necessary

Let’s start with the negative news.

One thing to remember: bunions will not improve by themselves and they are not going to be eliminated by any form of non-surgical treatment. The only way for a bump to is going to go away permanently is through surgery.

Second, bunions tend to worsen over time, regardless of whether you take care. When a bunion is formed it’s possible to slow the progress with conservative treatment however you might not be able stop it. In the end, this could result in surgery becoming inevitable.

However …

It doesn’t mean you should have bunion needs surgery is done now is a must, or that you need to be done with it. However, we do advise our patients to explore the options for treatment that are conservative first.

While this won’t solve or improve your feet’s alignment However, early intervention and conservative treatments could keep your feet active and pain-free throughout the time is possible. The most common methods include:

  • Moving to more flexible shoes that have a wider shoe box
  • Utilizing cushions and pads to ease the impact of the bump
  • Utilizing functional orthotics to limit the foot’s abnormal motion which weakens this joint near the bottom of the bunion.

Contrary to what many believe shaving off existing calluses does not work as a treatment. Calluses develop because of pressure and friction. Thinner them won’t eliminate the cause of friction.

However, many people eventually get to a point that conventional treatments stop performing and surgery is the best choice.

How Will I Know When It’s Time?

Because the bunion procedure may be an option (rather than an emergency medical procedure) and determining the moment “it’s time” is a judgement call you’ll need to make with your podiatric physician.

In general the following symptoms would be enough to prompt us to suggest the use of a surgical procedure:

  • You’ve experienced foot pain for a lengthy period of time, usually for at least one year.
  • You’ve tried every treatments that aren’t invasive and haven’t been successful, or are not working anymore.
  • Your bunion is hindering your regular, daily routine.
  • Your bunion has prevented you from participating in certain actions that are important for you because of the pain or inability to move.

If we’ve decided that surgery is required the next step is to set the date and ensuring that you’re ready for it.

What does it mean to say this?

Be aware that all surgeries come with specific requirements to recover and rehabilitation post-operatively. For example, a foot operation may restrict the mobility of your feet for a while.

We’ll show you how to put your heel weighted and alter your gait patterns so that you are able to get through your day in the best way possible. It is important to avoid putting weight on the site of surgery and follow the rehabilitation instructions with care particularly during the crucial two weeks following recovery. The most frequent reason for complications after bunion surgery is that patients don’t follow the instructions within the first two weeks.

Also Read: when should we need to see a podiatrist

Therefore, we recommend that you do everything you can to make the transition as easy and simple as you can.

In the event that you’ve had some spare time from work make use of it.

If you have friends or family members who are willing during the initial few weeks to help in your daily tasks, contact for their assistance.

Make sure you stock up as much as you can with foods and other items so you don’t need to go out to get these items during your recovery time.

You might want to consider setting up a sleeping space and moving your daily necessities to the floor so that you don’t need to take a trip up and down the stairs as often.

Preparing these items in advance will help make your recovery easier, lessen the stress you experience every day and allow you to achieve the highest possible outcome after your surgery.

If you notice that your bunion beginning to cause pain or stress within your daily life and you are experiencing more stress, contact the doctor. Scudday a call now. If you require surgical intervention or not, our team will to guide you through a successful treatment plan to get back to doing what want to do most – without discomfort.

Do You Need The Help Of An Experienced and Caring Podiatrist? Contact Advanced Foot Surgery Today.

If you’re suffering from any kind of foot pain, you must talk to an expert podiatrist whenever you can. You can make contact us via email to make an appointment or contact any of our reliable bunion surgery in Perth offices directly. 

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