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What is PRP therapy? How many PRP sessions are needed for hair loss treatment?

Hair Loss Treatment

Platelet-rich plasma therapy has recently gained a considerable surge in medical treatments. Although it has been used for over 20 years, it gained popularity after an American football player reported its positive results. PRP is known for its use in sports medicine and relieves athletes’ pain and muscle tension after their sports games. Still, it also has other healing benefits unknown to many people. PRP has numerous benefits, from musculoskeletal injuries to hair loss treatment to skin rejuvenation. Keep reading to learn more about PRP therapy’s process, uses, and precautions. 

What is PRP Therapy?

The human body has a remarkable ability to heal itself. Platelet-rich plasma therapy treats body diseases by using the patient’s healing system. Moreover, this treatment uses the patient’s concentrated platelets to improve their concerned problems. 

What is Plasma, and What is a Platelet?

Plasma is a medium through which red blood cells, white blood cells, and platelets circulate, and it is the largest component of blood. Plasma contains many essential elements that keep our body healthy, including water, salt, enzymes, antibodies, clotting factors, and the protein albumin. Whereas platelets circulate throughout the blood, they clot the blood when they see a damaged vessel to prevent it from bleeding. They are the smallest component of blood vessels. 

How are PRP injections prepared?

To make PRP injections, the doctor takes a sample of your blood, from one to a few tubes. Then they transfer it into a centrifuge to separate other components of blood from plasma. Within the plasma, these platelets are concentrated. After numbing the affected area of your body, these platelets are injected into the affected area, releasing growth factors in that area and triggering the healing system. The entire procedure of PRP can take about an hour. 

What is PRP therapy used for?

They heal trauma or joint injury by using the patient’s platelets. It is used to heal shoulder pain and reduce tendonitis or arthritis-related pain. They are known to stimulate the growth of hair transplants and treat a hair loss condition called alopecia. It is famously known for treating sports injuries, and it helps heal wounds after surgery. PRP treatments are also used for cosmetic procedures like reducing facial wrinkles and improving skin textures and appearances. 

PRP for musculoskeletal injuries:

Thousands of people around the world complain about having musculoskeletal problems. They can affect the daily life functioning of people. PRP is one of the most popular methods in orthopedic surgery. It is effective for muscle tears, ankle sprains, and hamstring injuries. 2 or more injections are required with 4-6 weeks intervals for the healing.

PRP treatment for hair loss

PRP therapy has been used to trigger the natural hair growth process. Though hair transplant is beneficial for people going through considerable hair loss, PRP is recommended for conditions like alopecia or for patients who want to nourish their existing hair. The syringe is injected into different areas of the scalp that needs more hair growth for hair loss treatment. PRP treatment for hair loss has multiple benefits, such as:

  • It is a non-invasive hair restoration procedure.
  • It promotes natural hair growth.
  • It can be customized according to individual needs.
  • It is convenient and pain-free.

The evidence suggests that PRP is more efficient for alopecia when combined with other treatments, such as topical minoxidil or oral finasteride. Alopecia is a hormone-related condition of baldness that can affect both men and women and can develop anywhere in the body. 

Is PRP hair growth therapy safe?

PRP therapy has little to no adverse, long-term side effects as it uses the patient’s healing system rather than drugs, medications, anesthesia, or incisions. It is known as a safe procedure for hair growth and treating wounds. However, some side effects are possible to occur, such as:

  • Bleeding
  • Infection
  • Tissue damage
  • Nerve injuries

After the treatment, patients may experience a little pain, swelling, and bruising, but it tends to go away shortly. 

How many sessions do I need for hair loss treatment?

The number of sessions depends on person to person. Most patients go through 3 sessions at the interval of 5-6 weeks. Moreover, the results of the treatment appear in the initial sessions. Patients are recommended to go to a single session every 6-12 months to maintain and boost the results, as the results can only last for 18 months. 

PRP for skin

PRP has many healing properties, such as wound and injury healing or hair regrowth. Some doctors also use it to make the skin look younger and more fresh by reducing wrinkles. PRP is known for:

  • Improving one’s complexion
  • Reduces wrinkles and fine lines
  • Stimulates collagen production
  • Diminishes acne scars
  • Get rid of deep creases

Is PRP safe for everyone?

Although PRP is safe for most people, it is not safe for people with Hepatitis C, HIV, AIDS, skin cancer in the affected area, cardiovascular disease, or any blood cancer. To be a good candidate for PRP therapy, you must have good overall health because certain medical conditions can impact the result of the treatment. 

Precautions before PRP therapy

It is important to note a few considerations before undergoing therapy to have effective results, such as:

  • Discontinue anti-inflammatory medicines five days before the therapy
  • Discontinue steroids one or two weeks before the procedure
  • Discontinue steroid injections a month before the treatment
  • Discontinue any blood-thinning supplements or herbs one week before the procedure
  • Drink plenty of water and eat healthy foods a day before the treatment

Post-procedure Guidelines

It is also vital to take care of yourself post-therapy so that your body takes its time to heal.

Discontinue these medications post-procedure for effective results:

  • Blood thinning herb or vitamins for 21 days
  • Anti-inflammatory medicines for at least 4 weeks
  • Steroids for 6 weeks
  • Avoid smoking
  • Avoid taking a bath for the first 24 hours
  • Avoid consumption of alcohol for the first 2 days
  • Avoid taking a hot bath and sauna for the first few days
  • Avoid applying ice or heat to the affected area for the first 72 hours. 

Suppose you’re looking for a doctor in Australia who provides PRP therapy services. In that case, Sayyal health is an Australian-based clinic that offers PRP therapy. It is best to discuss options for your treatment with the doctor. You can contact Sayyal health clinic for PRP or hair loss treatment if you are based in Australia.

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