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Virtual Blog Tours to Take the Stress Out of Marketing

Do you want to do marketing but want to take the stress out of it? Well, then, the perfect solution is virtual blog tours. Since there is no in-person tour, virtual book tours are fantastic.

A virtual blog tour is just another opportunity for authors to go out there and do what authors do—talk about their books, engage with readers, and respond to questions—except that instead of doing it in person, you do it.

The good thing about this is that you can spend the entire time wearing yoga pants, unlike with a live book tour. A virtual book tour is ideal for writers who cannot travel. It can also be used to support an in-person tour.

A virtual tour may require as much organization as a traditional book tour; even if you aren’t traveling, a lot of scheduling is required. But from the marketing point of view, it is exceptional. We know it’s a very new concept, which is why Blue Mount Publisher brings you this article. Let’s learn more about what virtual blog tours are today!

What is a virtual blog tour?

A VBT occurs when an author visits a blog for a specific time. These blog tours may run for a month or longer, some run for a day. Most tours span one to two weeks and frequently occur just before a release to generate buzz.

During the tour, there are a few various ways you can appear on a blog:

  1. A blogger gives your book a review and a rating.
  2. You contribute a brief guest post to the website.
  3. Your book’s excerpt is posted on the blog.
  4. You give an interview.
  5. You provide a list of your top ten.
  6. Your book trailer is posted on a blog.

A raffle is one method a book tour may keep readers interested. Authors distribute free books, swag, or gift cards. The reader must like a Facebook page, follow a Twitter account, or provide their email address to enter.

Why should you do a virtual book tour?

A blog tour’s goal is to increase interest in your book. Sales should result from that curiosity, but if you don’t use additional promotional tactics to take advantage of it, they won’t. It takes effort, preparation, and time to grow an audience. A blog tour is one element of your marketing strategy.

How successful are virtual book tours?

Well, you can consider it from this fact that the virtual book tour cans just simply work with reviews. Here reviews, spotlights, and interviews are posted is the only factor that matters. In such things or events, Sites with a lot of visitors will be more successful than sites with few visitors.

 A book tour that visits popular websites can generate a lot of attention if it is properly planned. Numerous independent authors struggle because they lack time to research popular websites. Of course, planning is necessary for tours. Two to three months before the release date, you should start requiring different VBT websites.

How Do Virtual Blog Tours Operate?

Online book tours require preparation and coordination, just like traditional ones. Some blog owners would request cash when you contact several websites and request to be included.

However, don’t do it for the money because when dealing with such people, they will show no interest in you. They will be more concerned with the money they will be getting.

Moreover, while on a blog tour, you might get the chance to write guest posts and feature articles for the blog’s author. Other than that, all you need to do is reply to comments when requested to do so and express gratitude to the blog for including you.

The choice to distribute the article on your social media accounts and mailing list is ultimately up to you.

How to structure virtual blogs tours:

Thanks to a virtual book tour, you can “travel” across the nation or the globe from the convenience of your home office.

But once you’re on the road, you’ll need to figure out how to handle all the logistics because a round-the-world trip involves several stops. Otherwise, you won’t arrive at the appropriate location at the appropriate time.

For a virtual book tour, you can neglect to advertise a stop along the route or spend the necessary time reading reader comments and responding.

You can also employ someone to assist you in promoting the stops on your trip. You can hire a social media specialist to handle this for you, or, on occasion, the Book Writing Services will offer a social media package.

Whatever way you organize your virtual book tour, you will need to keep track of your stops, promotions, and website visitors to your hosts.

Additionally, you’ll need to remember to keep track of previous planning activities like invitations, content creation, and deadlines. Later, you could even wish to send your host follow-up emails, and you might have books to deliver contest winners or reviews.

Your virtual book tour will go more easily, the better prepared you are. And the more successful it is, the more pleasure you’ll have traveled.

Are virtual book tours useful for promoting your books?

Do blog tours work? Do they function? The quick response is that they do. Most well-known blogs have amassed a sizable email list.

Even though just 20% of their email list reads your blog post, thousands of readers will now be aware of your books.

You can see that it’s not that difficult to reach tens of thousands of interested readers for free when you multiply it by the number of blogs you travel on.

Therefore, don’t undervalue this tactic. It may attract a lot of interest and publicity for you and your book from a receptive readership and ultimately aid in selling your book.


You must debut your book with a boom and generate as much interest in it as possible. However, not every author has the resources or finances to carry out a city-to-city book launch tour in person or to pay for pricey advertising. So, in such cases, virtual blog tours can be your best friend since they are so easy to access. Setting up an online book blog tour is one affordable strategy to promote your book. Moreover, it is hassle-free and makes your marketing journey even better and easier.

Ahsan Khan
Ahsan Khan
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