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Top 5 Tools for Writing Assignments

Nowadays, many students often look for instant remedies for their assignments. You must have often typed ‘write my assignment for me to search but did not get enough options. Now plenty of tools will help you get your assignments done in a few minutes. You do not have to work for hours to craft an assignment.

In this article, you will find some of the top tools that can help you to give the best results.


Have you felt distractions while doing your work? Then this app can help you to get some focus. FocusWriter helps eliminate distractions and improves concentration while you finish writing your assignments. The app has a manage-on-screen plugin that reminds you to focus on your work. Moreover, it tracks your writing progress. Alongside, it is free to use, with a user-friendly interface and a free spell checker. The app is available in 20 languages. Therefore, it is an excellent tool to focus your assignment writing. 


Your assignment entirely depends on what you write, whether it is a literature or statistics assignment writing. However, some tools aim to make multiple checks and read through your writing for a perfect one. Thus, Readable does that for you. Readable swiftly check the grammar, spelling, and readability of your work. Alongside this, it suggests various alternatives for you to work on. Furthermore, it analyses websites using their sitemaps or RSS feed in just a few minutes.

Thesis Creator

Starting an assignment is always intimidating. Thus, if you struggle to start your assignments, then this app can help you. Thesis Creator helps to analyze and plan your assignments or essays effortlessly. In this app, you are required to put your topic. Then, based on the topics, the Thesis creator helps to build your arguments. Alongside, they draft customized to-do list boxes. These boxes help you to fill in the topics and keywords for your essays.


It must be evident that you had a difficult time paraphrasing. As a result, you must have relied on various Grammar Checker services for paraphrasing. However, GoParaphrase does that for you. With this app, you can find numerous ways to present others’ ideas. Moreover, it is free to use. So, you can check it out and get engineering assignment help.


LearnESL is another fantastic app that is steeped with content. It can quickly provide you with various content for different topics and more. Additionally, the app comes with unique solutions, grammar checks, and more. Thus, LearnESL is a one-stop app for your assignments.

Get the extensions of any of these tools on your laptop and use them to write better assignments that help you score an A!

Summary: Nowadays, assignment writing is done quickly with these unique tools. It has relieved the students of handling the pressure and doing their best. Therefore, you can surely use these apps and yield the best for your grades. Good luck!

Author Bio: 

Anne Gill is a researcher in the UK. She writes various academic articles for MyAssignmenthelp.co.uk. Alongside this, she loves to make various videos and tutorials for online teaching in her free time.

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