Home Web Development The Briefing for Your Website

The Briefing for Your Website

Image Source: canva.com

Step 1

Engaging a professional agency always begins with a briefing. This involves discussing together the goals of the website, what functions it should have, which areas are important, and what design specifications exist. Ideally, there should be a sort of workshop where all the functions are discussed jointly with the agency. Because a website is an important part of a company’s marketing and should be carefully planned. For conducting such a workshop, an agency will incur expenses of approximately 0.5 to 1 person-days. We assume an average hourly rate of €95-€120 net.

The Design and Functional Concept

Step 2

Based on the concept developed together in the workshop, the Website Agentur München will develop a design and functional concept. Here, the most important design elements are defined, as well as how they behave when using the site. Web design agencies already take into account that the design is also suitable for mobile devices. Depending on how many rounds of changes there are between you and your agency, design at the agency will take between 2 and 3 working days.

Homepage Content

Step 3

The centerpiece of every website should not be neglected. Texts and images are especially important here. A web design agency assumes in the first instance that you can provide the texts and images for your website yourself. If no images or suitable texts for the website are available, most agencies have connections to editors and can purchase suitable images for your website from image databases. This investment must be included in the calculation of expenses. Also, consider having photos taken by a photographer for your website – this appears more authentic than purchased stock material. Images from image databases can be purchased starting from €20, while copywriters charge between €70 and €120 per hour. Good texts are worth their money because they are relevant for search engines.


Step 4

If the website is implemented, for example, with WordPress, a common CMS, then the first step is to configure the development environment and create global templates. This turns the design concept into the eventual website. Web design agencies define the content elements, set up the navigation, and integrate forms, icons, and logos. Additionally, the website is optimized for various browsers, such as Google Chrome or Firefox, as well as for mobile devices. An agency should also ensure that the page loading time and visibility for Google are guaranteed so that your new homepage is quickly and securely found on Google. Programming and implementation require the most time from an agency. As there will be adjustment loops here as well, you can expect approximately 5 working days.

Hosting for Website and Domain

Step 5

Hosting consists of two components: firstly, your domain must be hosted, and secondly, the database in which your website resides and is later accessible on the internet. An SSL certificate is also important to ensure security for the user. For hosting and a certificate, you can expect to pay around €180 per year.


Step 6

Since a website requires constant updates and content maintenance to be current and secure, it makes sense to enter into a support contract with the Website Agentur Berlin – This ensures that necessary updates and backups are made and the site is kept technically up to date. Support contracts are usually tied to a certain number of hours invested by the agency into your website. Alternatively, a flat rate of approximately €70-€120 per month can be agreed upon.

So, how much does a website cost?

A Summary

In general, for a medium-sized website with around 20 subpages and normal features such as contact forms, clickable sliders, and a news section, you can expect agency costs of around €5,000. Depending on additional effort or purchased images and texts, the value increases accordingly. For a one-pager or a landing page, you should expect an investment starting from €1,500 to €2,000.

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