Home Business Is It Possible To Use Paypal With Authorize.Net?

Is It Possible To Use Paypal With Authorize.Net?

Is It Possible To Use Paypal With Authorize.Net?


Is It Possible To Use Paypal With Authorize.Net? I’ve been getting questions about how to use Authorize.Net and PayPal together in my store. So I thought I’d take a minute to explain how it works. The short answer is that it can be done. But it’s not quite as simple as enabling both services in your cart.

There Is A Way To Use Authorize.Net And Paypal (Verified Paypal Account for Sale) With Your Store.

But It’s Not Quite As Simple As Enabling The Two Services In Your Cart.

You need to set up a PayPal Pro account, which will allow you to integrate PayPal with your checkout system. You’ll need to manually enter orders from PayPal into your back end. And ensure they’re processed correctly by setting up rules for those orders ahead of time.

Once that’s done, you can start accepting payments through Authorize.Net and PayPal at once!

Unfortunately, Paypal Doesn’t Play Well With Other Providers Right Now.

If you want to use PayPal as your payment gateway (instead of Authorize.Net). You’ll need to use a different option to process your transactions.

There Are Two Possible Workarounds.

The first workaround is to use PayPal Pro (Verified Paypal Account for Sale). This is the premium version of PayPal and provides you with features that are absent in the free version, including fraud protection, chargeback prevention, and more. However, you will have to pay the monthly fee on top of your Authorize.Net fees and other costs involved in running your business.

If this doesn’t sound like an option for you or if there’s no way around it. Then here’s another workaround: use the “Pay Now” button on your website (as opposed to having customers enter their credit card info). So that they go directly to PayPal when they check out instead of going through Authorize.Net first.

This means that after someone has placed an order on your site using this method, all payments will come directly from them without going through any additional steps such as Authorize Net’s gateway service. Or connecting with a third-party processor like Stripe. Or Braintree—they’ll be processed by PayPal instead!

This second workaround does come with some drawbacks, however. Since orders will be processed outside of Authorize Net’s platform (which includes real-time transaction tracking). There may be some lag between when someone places an order through Pay Now button vs. entering their credit card information online (especially if there were multiple charges).

You’ll also have manually enter these orders into back-end systems. After they’ve been completed. So this might not matter much if all sales happen quickly enough during regular business hours when staff members can take care of everything themselves before leaving at night. It could become problematic if orders pile up overnight due.

To Use Paypal, You Need A Paypal Pro Account. This Will Cost You An Additional $30 Monthly On Top Of Your Authorize.Net Fees.

But If You Want To Offer Both Types Of Payment Processing, It Might Be Worth It For You To Do This.

The bad news is that using PayPal requires an entirely separate subscription on top of your regular billing with Authorize.Net, which can get expensive quickly if there are multiple people making purchases through your website or service every month!

If You Don’t Have The Additional Budget For Another Monthly Payment From Paypal Pro, There Is Another Way To Go About It.

If A Customer Clicks On The “Pay Now” Button Or Links On Your Site That Takes Them Directly To Paypal Instead Of Going Through Your Shopping Cart System First.

They Can Check Out Using Paypal Without Going Through Authorize.Net/Paypal Pro At All.

This Does Mean That You’ll Have To Manually Enter These Orders Into Your Back-End System. After The Fact If You Don’t Have An Integrated System With Paypal (Such As Mastercard).

To set up this option:

  • Go into “Settings” and go down to “PayPal Settings.” Underneath “Other Payments,” click on “Receive Payments.”
  • Scroll down until you see the option for “Use Offer Payment” (it’s at the very bottom). Select Yes from here and then save changes when prompted.

You Can Use Authorize.Net And Paypal (Verified Paypal Account for Sale) With Your Store. But It Takes Some Time To Set Up.

It is possible to use both PayPal and Authorize.Net with your store. You do this by having a PayPal Pro account, which is their business payment service. You will also need an integrated system between your store and the PayPal Pro account.

This can be done through their API or third-party integration like Shopify Plus’ eCommerce platform (recommended).

Suppose you’re not ready to set up an integrated system between your store and the PayPal Pro account. In that case, there are other options. Such as forwarding orders directly from Shopify Plus’ order page. To the customer’s personal PayPal email address.

Where they can pay for their order outside of Shopify Plus via email. Or phone call (which means no tracking numbers).


We hope this post has helped you understand how to use both Authorize.Net and PayPal with your store. If you have any questions or want more information, please let us know in the comments below!

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