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How to Create A Sales Page in 8 Steps

How many times has it happened to us that we built a web page focused on selling and eating a donut? Well, it has happened to me. And it was because I did not know the whole world behind digital marketing, where the union of web design techniques, sales funnels, copywriting, advertising, and many others are so important to convert and, thanks to this, sell more.

For all this, having a sales page where users land is essential to achieve our goals, and it is that a sales page is nothing more and nothing less than a landing page in which we must get to this point.

But to create a sales page, in the end, a series of techniques are needed to help us achieve our digital goals, and if we don’t know how to do it, it’s not easy.

For this reason, I want to teach you how to create an optimized sales page with a masterclass to help you achieve what you want in your online business.

What is a sales page?

A sales page is a page where we persuade the user to perform an action, in this case, the achievement of our goal, which could be the final sale of a product or service.

And you will ask yourself, why is it important to have a sales page? What advantages or benefits can it bring me?

  • Improve conversion.
  • Create a good user experience.
  • We can optimize them for SEO and position them.
  • We can better measure everything that happens through this page.
  • Presentation and display of the product or service striking.
  • Etc.

8 steps to create a sales website that converts

I just told you what a sales page is. Now we are going to see how to build a sales page that converts through some very simple steps that you must take into account to indicate to your web designer.

STEP 1: Be clear about the objective of your sales page

The first and most important thing we must consider is knowing what we want to achieve. Sometimes we think of a sales page with the sole purpose of selling, but this does not have to be the case. It could be the viewing of a video or requesting information about a product (lead capture), etc.

Once we have decided how what and why we are going to do it, we will be able to establish the other steps that lead to the unique achievement of that objective, to conversion.

STEP 2: Establish the target audience

How many times have we built a page without thinking about the users that are going to reach it?

Thousands of times.

This is a very big mistake because after knowing what we want to achieve, we must stop to think about who we want to address and what these people are like.

The best thing is that you define the buyer personas that should reach this sales page, to focus all the following steps on them.

For example, if what I want to sell through this page is a web design course, my buyer personas could be the following: Unemployed, future web designers, training students, and workers who want to learn more.

Now all my strategies will be aimed at attracting these people to really get a page with a high return on investment due to its optimization and good focus.

STEP 3: Use copywriting techniques and highlight the benefits

The texts must be persuasive so that they lead the client to the action we are looking for, and for this reason, copywriting is a great technique for it.

Copywriting is a technique based on writing texts that encourage the user to perform a certain action through persuasion.

To do this, the first thing I would do is write a title with the purpose of sale (UPS), that is, a concrete proposal with great force that convinces users of the benefit that what we are offering will bring them. We could also put our value proposition.

In addition, we must remember that the texts must highlight above all the benefits of what we are telling more than the characteristics since this will try to convince.

STEP 4: Visually represent your offer, product, or service

As important as the texts are, the visual elements since they draw a lot of attention from the users’ eyes and can cause a good impression (or rejection).

It is important that the images that we include are closely related to the product or service that we are selling and that they are also of very good quality (always with optimized images so as not to affect the loading speed).

In addition, the videos are an incredible plus in terms of user retention (and improvement of the time spent on the landing page) and a way of persuading. My favorite tools for video creation are Lightworks for advanced editing and FlexClip for quick video creation with its great templates.

STEP 5: Make use of testimonials

Social proof is critical when it comes to a sale.

If I enter a product that I want to buy on pages like Amazon or Aliexpress, the first thing I do before considering the purchase is see the testimonials of clients who have already made it before.

What if I don’t see testimonials? You probably won’t buy it, as testimonials build credibility and trust.

Do you do the same? If not, keep in mind that many people like me do, so having these (real) testimonials on our sales website is a must.

In the event that you still do not have testimonials, do not worry. Including the benefits, and as soon as you start getting clients, you will include them later.

STEP 6: Use Clear Calls To Action

A Call To Action (CTA) or call to action is any element that motivates or prompts the user to act, for example, a text or a button.

These must be clear and striking, always considering the psychology of color and our target audience.

It is important that these elements are visible and that they do not have elements around them that distract the user’s view. Your texts should encourage clicking, and I advise you not to use the typical boring “more information” button.

In the event that the sales page that we have created is long, we can use several CTA’s distributed in the content, and that every time the user scrolls the page (scrolls down), they always see a CTA per screen (never you must lose sight of the buy or action button).

STEP 7: Create a thank you page

Creating a thank you page is not only important for retaining the user and doing up-selling and cross-selling techniques, but with thank you pages, we can measure better.

If we take this person to the thank you page of a wedding photography service, for example ( /thank you-weddings/ ), we can create goals in Analytics that tell us where these people who visit this URL are coming from and what is the sales page conversion rate.

In addition, with those who have visited this thank you page, you can create a sales funnel in which the cross-selling techniques that I told you about before are used without the need to be aggressive using email marketing techniques.

STEP 8: Measure and optimize the loading speed

This aspect is fundamental, and we must optimize yes or yes as the last step in creating the sales page since the page must go at the speed of light.

We have many WordPress plugins that can help us in this process, but good image optimization will also be essential.

In addition, everything that happens on this page must be measured in order to improve and increase the conversion rate.

Is it important to have sales pages in our businesses?

It is very important that we start creating web pages focused on selling since, as you well know, we are not NGOs that give away content without receiving anything in return, but rather we have to turn our websites or blogs into solid businesses.

That is why I recommend you start creating sales pages for your products or services to convert your visits into customers.

Jack henry
Jack henry
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