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How Does Acupuncture Work And What Is It?

What Is Acupuncture?

Small, solid metal needles are inserted into the skin, which is then stimulated either electrically or by the practitioner’s hands using gentle, expert movements. Acupuncture is a traditional Chinese medicine that has been used for centuries. Traditional Chinese medicine practitioners believe that channels or meridians connect acupuncture points on the human body.

These pathways promote overall health by allowing energy (Qi, pronounced “chee”) to flow freely throughout the body. Infection can be the result of disruption of energy flow. By applying pressure to certain points, acupuncture Singapore is said to increase the flow of Qi and consequently wellness. Studies have shown it to be effective in treating a number of disorders.

You shouldn’t use it everywhere. Before scheduling an appointment with an acupuncturist, check with your doctor and then look for someone who is board certified and has the required training and experience.

Acupuncture Process

The body’s life force or “qi” can circulate by stimulating the points along the 14 energy channels. According to some research, needles stimulate blood flow, change brain activity, and trigger the body to produce endorphins, which are natural pain relievers.

The placebo effect, a phenomenon known as acupuncture, only works because patients believe it will, according to skeptics.

The aim of acupuncture points is to stimulate the central nervous system. As a result, chemicals are released into the brain, spinal cord, and muscles. These molecular changes can enhance the body’s natural healing abilities, thereby promoting physical and mental health.

A study by the National Institutes of Health (NIH) has shown that acupuncture is a successful therapy for the following diseases:

  • Both surgical anesthesia and cancer treatment cause nausea.
  • sore mouth after surgery
  • Dependence
  • Headaches
  • During menstruation, cramps
  • Tennis elbow is a condition that develops when a
  • Fibromyalgia
  • An example of pain that affects muscles and connective tissues is myofascial pain.
  • Osteoarthritis
  • lower back hurts
  • A disorder known as carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS) affects (CTS)
  • Asthma
  • Additionally, it could promote recovery after a stroke.

Benefits of Acupuncture

It is a typical complementary treatment that can benefit individuals dealing with a variety of conditions.

Acupuncture has several benefits, including the following:

  • It can help treat chronic pain.
  • trusted source
  • The most common symptoms of migraine are headaches and migraines.
  • Negative side effects are relatively rare.
  • It is a versatile therapy that can simultaneously address various health problems.

Is Acupuncture Painful?

The needles used in acupuncture are as thin as human hair. When the needle is inserted, most patients simply feel a little discomfort. The pressure or sore spot is where the needle is implanted. The needles may be heated or exposed to a small amount of electricity during the treatment. Patients who have acupuncture slimming are believed to feel revitalized afterward. Others say they are comfortable.

Pain may come from incorrect needle insertion during treatment. Sterilizing needles is necessary to prevent infection. This is why it is important to seek treatment from a qualified acupuncturist. Acupuncture needles are subject to FDA regulation just like other medical devices, including good manufacturing practices and single-use sterility requirements.

Other forms of stimulation include

  • Amount of heat (moxing)
  • Tremendous pressure (acupressure)
  • Friction
  • Vacuum hose (cupping)
  • Electromagnetic energy impulses

There are a few things to keep in mind when it comes to acupuncture.

Since scientific studies have not yet been able to fully explain how acupuncture works in the context of Western medicine, it is still a controversial topic.

Use acupuncture only after consulting a doctor. No one should use it. Discuss all of your current therapies and medications with your doctor (supplements, prescription, and over-the-counter). If you have a pacemaker, are prone to infection, have persistent skin problems, are pregnant, or have breast implants or other implants. Tell your doctor. Keeping these difficulties to yourself can be harmful to your health.

Do not rely on an acupuncturist to diagnose your condition. You should check whether acupuncture can be beneficial if you have been diagnosed by a doctor.

Your best bet is to see a licensed acupuncturist. Your doctor can refer you to a competent or licensed doctor. It is also possible to get referrals from friends and family. You don’t have to be a doctor to practice acupuncture or get certified.

Before starting treatment, ask the acupuncturist how many treatments will be needed and how much it would cost. Acupuncture is covered by some insurance companies, but not all. It is important to make sure your insurance will cover it before starting treatment.

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