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How Can Community Participation Enhance My Skills?

Community participation is essential for everyone who wants to enhance his skills and develop new interests. Meeting new people can not only help you make new friends but also allows you to develop new hobbies and improve your skills so you can create a better life.

The National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) participants are also funded for this support. They often get confined in their homes all day and have a tough time socialising with new people, which leads to loneliness. NDIS provides funding for the participants to become a part of community activities and learn new skills.

NDIS provides a huge range of support under three different budget categories. Assistance with social and community participation is funded under the Core Support. This budget is designed to help participants in their daily living activities, and it is the most flexible budget out of the three.

Benefits Of Community Participation

Community participation has many benefits for NDIS participants, and some of them are as follows:

Improves Social Skills

Being socially deprived cannot help the participants get closer to their goals. It is important to meet new people and learn about their life and experiences. It improves social skills and gives them the confidence to talk in social settings. NDIS also allows the participants to bring their support worker with them if they don’t feel comfortable at first. Having someone known around can give them a sense of relief so they can communicate with new people conveniently.

Develops New Interests

There are different hobbies in the world, and everyone has access to or knowledge about all of them. Community participation allows participants to meet new people and become aware of different hobbies. By doing this, they might develop interests in other fields and work to become better at them. This helps in keeping them entertained and developing their skills in other fields.

Increases Social Networks

Meeting new people enables you to increase your social circle. Being an NDIS participant, you might have a goal that requires you to have more connections with other people. Community participation gives you the opportunity to have a bigger and more dependable social network. You can meet like you and become friends with them. This motivates you to join more social events, and your social network continues to get bigger.

More Opportunities For Job

You might want to get a job or income, and your NDIS plan provides you with the opportunity to get one. However, you can also find your source of income by participating in community activities. When you meet new people, you get more opportunities as they belong to different fields, and some of them might have a better opportunity for you.

Better Mental Health

No one likes to stay confined in their house all the time. A good outing can help you stay fresh and keep your mental health intact. NDIS participants often find themselves struggling with going out and meeting new people, but NDIS helps them to take on this challenge. Community participation keeps their mind fresh and entertained, so they don’t feel stuck at any point.


Everyone feels like they are not accepted at some point in life. It is even more common in NDIS participants. Because they are dependable on others and stay at home most of the time, they have a fear of not being accepted by the outside world, which is not true at all. NDIS gives them a chance to participate in community activities where people accept them with open arms, and it boosts their confidence.

If you want to know anything else related to assistance with social and community participation, reach out to Enable U, and their team of support workers will guide you so you can make the most out of this support.

Ahsan Khan
Ahsan Khan
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