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Water damage can be a serious emergency that could happen to your house. Your home and contents can be damaged by uncontrolled water, which can cause damage worth thousands of dollars.

Knowing what to do in a water emergency is key. Then you can react quickly to stop any incoming water and protect your possessions. After that, it’s time to clean up.

These are the five main steps to take when dealing with water damage emergencies.

Step 1: Stop Water Ingress from the Source

A burst hot-water tank or pressure water line is the leading cause of water damage emergencies. It is crucial to know where the shutoffs are so that you can stop the water flow immediately and get control of the situation before it gets worse.

Stormwater can often cause flooding. Although nature is immovable, stormwater can be diverted away. Most dangerous floods are caused by backed up sewer pipes. It is best to call a professional to stop this.

Step 2: Consider Safety

Turn off any electrical outlets in the area affected by the flooding. A flooded house can easily cause serious shocks because water is an excellent conductor of electricity. Keep children and other curious people away from standing water. Pets are also at risk. They should be managed in other areas.

Step 3: Protect your possessions

You can remove or raise furniture, boxes, and other valuables that were damaged by the floodwater. Moldy items quickly develop from water-soaked objects, which can lead to rot. Your most valuables are at risk. Get them out of danger so they can dry in warm, moving air. Do not worry about flooring or baseboards, or door mouldings. Protect your precious valuables first. You can always replace other things.

Step 4: Contact Your Insurance Company

Next, contact your insurance company to find out how they will approach the flood restoration and water removal. Your insurance company has professionals that specialize in water damages restoration. They can help you with any emergency and will pay you. Doing it yourself can cause water damage and other problems that could compromise your insurance policy.

Need Restoration in Rochester ny? Lighthouse Restorations provide the best service for water damage restoration in the New York region.

Step 5: Get to Know the Pros

To remove flood water from your property and start drying it, contact a water damage restoration specialist. Water restoration professionals are equipped with the right industrial equipment such as pumps, air movers, and dehumidifiers to remove flood water and humidity. You can also use their moisture detectors, remote cameras, and hygrometers to locate any remaining water you don’t know where. You will have years of grief if water is left behind walls or in tight areas.

If not handled professionally, uncontrolled water damage to your structure or contents can cost thousands of dollars. These 5 steps will help prevent this grief.

Jaxson henry
Jaxson henry
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