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Saturday, July 27, 2024

10 reasons Pakistan’s most powerful future for Gwadar people

In the past, Gwadar was largely subject to political divisions. A stalemate has delayed the start of a much-needed project. During Musharraf’s regime Gwadar became a source of conflict rather. than a symbol of progress. The current government is doing a commendable job of coordinating. building, security and developing for Gwadar people. but the implementation of all this progress must translate. to the most suffering sectors of the Gwadar people. No.  Technical training programs should initiated on an emergency basis.

1. Pakistani new jobs and businesses

The redevelopment of Gwadar people is a large-scale project. with billions of dollars of financing. from China as part of the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor. The project will include not only the construction of port facilities. but also residential. and commercial infrastructure of all kinds. creating hundreds of thousands of job opportunities for local residents.

2. A big boost to the real estate sector

Until recently, Baluchistan was less developed than other Pakistani provinces. With Gwadar’s infrastructure development. Baluchistan’s real estate sector will boom, benefiting thousands of Pakistani and foreign investors.

3. Strategic location benefits all involved

Gwadar located on the shores of the Arabian Sea. at the opening of the Strait of Hormuz and is one of the world’s busiest oil shipping lanes. accounting for 20% of the world’s oil trade. The location of such an important port is of great value to Pakistan. and especially to China, which has no ports to the west.

4. Tourism in Pakistan will revitalize

Pakistan is a country of beautiful nature and m capacity. for the import and export of goodmen is complete.. .Gwadar will provide an opportunity for tourists. from other countries to easily visit these scenic spots across the country. It will boost the tourism sector and increase Pakistan’s GDP.

5. Increase Pakistan’s total trade value

The Gwadar deep-sea port will create additional capacity. for the import and export of goods. Pakistan can significantly increase trade with many Central Asian countries using roads and. infrastructure developed as part of the Economic Corridor. Today, the country, with a population of about 190 million, has only one port, Karachi. Gwadar will facilitate much higher volumes of trade with many new countries.

6. Help people get higher wages

The port already provides jobs for thousands of Pakistanis. The daily rate of wages for workers in Gwadar is much higher than in other parts of Pakistan. This will improve the lifestyles of countless Pakistanis. increase their income and allow them. to use their money for other goods and services to boost the entire economy of the country.

7. Gwadar attracts investors from all over the world

Residential and commercial property prices. in Gwadar have increased significantly in a short period of time. There are still many opportunities for foreign investors. to obtain a high return on investment. These investors flock to buy properties in Gwadar. This massive investment from global investors. will inject huge sums of money into Pakistan’s economy and give it a further boost.

8. Baluchistan’s regional economy will be greatly revitalized

The redevelopment of Gwadar is a huge project requiring. a lot of land from local landowners in Baluchistan. These landowners compensated at a very high rate for their land. This money will greatly boost. the economy of Baluchistan after invested in various economic activities.

9. Businesses across Pakistan will benefit

Gwadar is well connected not only with China’s Xinjiang Uighur Autonomous Region. but also with all other parts of Pakistan. Thi boost Pakistan’s economy. and lead to further industrialization of the country as a whole their products to other countries in the world. An increase in these exports contributes to Pakistan’s GDP. SMEs can grow and expand at a fast pace. due to the excellent business opportunities available throughout Gwadar Port.

10. Gwadar kicks off further industrialization

Pakistan still relies primarily on agriculture for the majority of its exports. Industrial activity in Gwadar will significantly boost Pakistan’s economy. and lead to further industrialization of the country as a whole. Unskilled workers need to transformed into semi-skilled. and fully qualified workers who can undertake jobs in the complex industrial units. involved in the production of end-use products. Affordable housing and living allowances with job offers. from the public sector are other lagging areas. Gwadar can thrive only when locals begin to actively participate in its prosperous future. The world is watching countries like China and Iran

Also read: Gwadar today

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