Home Business Database Providers in UAE

Database Providers in UAE


The United Arab Emirates (UAE) is home to a number of businesses that provide database services to companies operating in the region. These providers offer a range of solutions designed to help businesses manage, store, and retrieve data effectively. Some of the key players in the UAE database market include:


Oracle is a global database providers in uae provider of database software and technology. Its product portfolio includes a range of database management systems (DBMS) for different industries and applications, including Oracle Database, MySQL, and NoSQL. Oracle also offers cloud-based database solutions and professional services for businesses looking to optimize their database infrastructure.


Microsoft is a leading provider of database technology, with a range of products and services for businesses of all sizes. Its flagship DBMS is Microsoft SQL Server, which is widely used in the UAE and around the world. Microsoft also offers Azure, a cloud-based platform that includes a range of database services, such as Azure SQL Database and Azure Cosmos DB.

IBM is a global technology company that offers a range of database solutions, including IBM Db2, a DBMS designed for enterprise applications. IBM also offers cloud-based database services, such as IBM Cloud Databases, which provides scalable and flexible database solutions for businesses of all sizes.

SAP is a German software company that offers a range of database solutions, including SAP HANA, a real-time in-memory database platform. SAP also offers cloud-based database services, including SAP Cloud Platform Database Services, which provides businesses with access to scalable, secure, and flexible database solutions.

Redis Labs

Redis Labs is a provider of in-memory data store solutions, including Redis, a popular open-source database that is widely used for caching, real-time analytics, and message brokering. Redis Labs offers both on-premises and cloud-based database solutions, including Redis Enterprise Cloud, a fully managed database-as-a-service (DBaaS) platform.


MongoDB is a provider of NoSQL database solutions, including MongoDB, a popular open-source database that is widely used for modern applications. MongoDB offers both on-premises and cloud-based database solutions, including MongoDB Atlas, a fully managed DBaaS platform that provides businesses with access to scalable, secure, and flexible database infrastructure.

Cassandra is a provider of NoSQL database solutions, including Apache Cassandra, an open-source database that is widely used for modern applications. Cassandra offers both on-premises and cloud-based database solutions, including Cassandra as a Service, a fully managed DBaaS platform that provides businesses with access to scalable, secure, and flexible database infrastructure.


The UAE is home to a number of database providers that offer a range of solutions for businesses operating in the region. These providers offer both on-premises and cloud-based database solutions, as well as professional services to help businesses optimize their database infrastructure. Some of the key players in the UAE database market include Oracle, Microsoft, IBM, SAP, Redis Labs, MongoDB, and Cassandra.

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