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Choosing the Right Sports Injury Center For Shoulder Pain & Elbow Dislocation


Physical sports activities are recommended for keeping healthy and fit. Yet, the associated movements can cause injuries. Sports injuries can be acute, resulting from sudden irregular movement, or chronic development due to regular wrong movements for a long time. Irrespective of the status, they are painful, and uncomfortable, and result in problems in day-to-day activities.

Sports Injury and its Basic Treatment

Sports injuries are often apparent when they happen. However, sometimes symptoms may manifest late. For any apparent injury, RICE therapy can provide relief. The term RICE stands for Rest, Ice, Compression, and Elevation.

  • Rest involves limiting the movement of the affected site to the minimum as possible. Avoid any activity at the site of injury and provide 24 to 36 hours of immobility and rest.
  • Ice refers to cold or ice pack fomentation of the site thrice in 12 hours for about half an hour.
  • Compression means compressing the area with a warm bandage for support and warmth. Ensure it is not tight to inhibit the blood supply in the area.
  • Elevation means raising the injured body part above the heart level for relief and pain reduction. Over-the-counter and anti-inflammatory drugs can help relieve the pain.

You should immediately report the intense pain, swelling, or any other medical problem to the nearest hospital or sports injury center.

Shoulder Pain or Elbow Dislocation: Treatments

In case of major shoulder pain or elbow dislocation, treatment methods can be non-invasive, involving immobilization, rehabilitation, and physical therapies. If these therapies do not yield results, surgery is the option for treatment.

Surgery can also be the primary treatment depending on the intensity and type of injury.

Non-Invasive Treatments:

  • Immobilization: It refers to the halt of the movement of the affected area for a certain period. Using devices like slings, splints, casts, and braces enables minimal movement and proper blood flow. Slings are used for upper body parts, while other options offer protection to the lower body.
  • NSAIDs: Nonsteroidal Anti-inflammatory Drugs and analgesics are some preferred pain and swelling-relieving medications. However, these should be taken as per the doctor’s advice.
  • Electrical Stimulation: It aims to strengthen the muscles for movement and positively affect circulation, thereby reducing swelling.

Rehabilitation Therapies:

  • Whirlpool therapy: It is an aquatic therapy method to relax painful and stiff muscles.
  • Therapeutic Ultrasound: This therapy treats muscular injuries, relaxes tissues, and increases blood flow using sound waves of specific intensity.
  • Therapeutic exercise: It involves the use of underwater treadmills and varying levels of exercises aimed to strengthen the weak sites in the body and ease regular movement. It may involve various modes like heat, cold, massage, and therapies involving water and sound.

Shoulder Pain or Elbow Dislocation: Surgery Options

Some extreme injuries may require surgery. Using robotics and advanced technology, minimally invasive surgeries can do wonders. Arthroscopy or minimally invasive joint surgeries common in sports injury are:

  • Elbow arthroscopy: To treat elbow injuries.
  • Decompression: To treat injuries to the shoulder in the upper body.
  • Biceps tenodesis, tendon repair: Aimed at the biceps, in front of the elbow.

The best treatment for Sports Injuries

Sports injuries can be treated by emergency physicians. However, it is advisable to consult specialists like orthopaedic surgeons, physiatrists, physiotherapists, and sports medicine specialists.

Dr. Deepak Chaudhary and Dr. Shiv Chouksey are top arthroscopy specialists at the sports injury centre of BLK-Max hospital. They are among the top surgeons with years of experience in sports injury surgeries.

Life After a Sports Injury

It is important to seek proper medical attention instead of ignoring the symptoms to avoid lifelong pain and abnormality. Minor sports injuries can heal on their own. However, major injuries required specialized treatment. Resuming sports activities before proper treatment and body movement is completely prohibited.

Surgeries may take more time in comparison to previous methods. The time taken for recovery depends on the type of injury and surgery.

Prevention Methods

Numerous sports injuries can be prevented by:

  • Performing warm-up before sports or exercise.
  • Following proper guidelines on movements and performing under a trained instructor’s guidance.
  • Avoiding heavy and impulsive actions and movements just after the injury.
  • Understanding your body and progressing at a normal pace.
  • Wearing protective equipment and sports gear.
  • Performing activity of every body part and equally strengthening them.


Sports injuries can be lifetime ailments. Various treatment methods are available in the form of immobilization, rehabilitation, and surgery. BLK-Max has specialist surgeons in Arthroscopy and the latest equipment for rehabilitation and non-invasive methods to provide the best treatment.

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