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5 Most Ridiculous Academic Writing Myths You Should Know

During student life, we love to discover hacks or tips to improve our writing outcomes. The practice of discovering shortcuts often spreads things that have no reality. This article will point out the five most ridiculous academic writing myths in detail.

Five most Ridiculous academic writing myths

Using complex words will make you a good writer

From our early education, teachers taught us to use complex Vocabulary while writing an essay. At the beginning of my writing career, I also used complex words to make my writing piece more appealing. But with time, I came to know that it is just a myth. Probably our school teachers spread this myth so that we can improve our word bank. But, in actual this is not as practical to use complex words in an academic essay. The disadvantages of using complex words are far lengthier than the list of advantages of using simple words.

  • The use of complex words in the writing may tell readers ‘ how educated the writer is?’.
  • The use of complex or few flowery words in the writing may inspire readers for a short time.
  • Using complex words may increase positive comments or feedback on your post.
  • But if you want to convey a public awareness message through your writing, the use of complex words is not a good idea.
  • The art of conveying your messages by using simple words will facilitate your reader to read the whole article in one go.
  • Try to use simpler synonyms in your academic writing, as it will save the reader’s time. The complex words appeal only to highly educated people, but please ignore this myth if you want to attract the majority to your article.

Before writing, wait for a perfect idea

A perfect idea cannot strike while sitting in your drawing room. Waiting for a perfect idea before writing is one of the ridiculous myths I have ever heard. Good writing ideas cannot knock at your mind without calling them. The perfection of thoughts is analogous to the burning of a match stick. A match stick cannot start burning on its own. Instead, you have to give it activation energy. Once you put activation energy to the match stick, it will start burning until the whole stick ends. Likewise, the incoming of new ideas at first needs efforts. You have to make an outline and find relevant supporting details. After completing your outlines with a rough estimation of the evidence that will prove the importance of your writing, new ideas will come on their own.

An important tip to become a good academic writer is to put a pen on the paper and write everything in your mind. Before submitting, proofread your thoughts. You can also add new and improved ideas to your final work.

Before writing, wait for a perfect time

According to a coursework help firm, another important myth is that writer needs plenty of time to produce something eye-catching. Few writers said that they could not write until the sun shone over their heads. At the same time, others said that they had to wait for the moonlight to produce better quality academic work. According to science, you can adapt the brain to work at any time. It’s just a myth. You have a similar tendency to work at both parts of the time. For better writing facilities, you must ensure the following things;

  1. Good research approaches.
  2. Better time management skills.
  3. Good written communication skills
  4. Adequate sleep
  5. Plenty of water to hydrate your brain
  6. Art of giving words to your thought.
  7. Good analytical or critical thinking skills
  8. An a basic knowledge of academic writing Guide

If you have all these qualities, then the time constraints are just a formality. For example, when I was in my 20’s, at the time of preparation, I showed sluggish behaviour. I delayed things by thinking, ‘I have plenty of time and will learn this topic tomorrow.’ And the time of the exam, I used to say, ‘I would perform better in my exam if I had one more day for preparation.’ Not only me, but many of my class fellows had the same kind of attitudes.  Hence, time is not a factor that may constraint your writing performance; you have to manage time to enhance your outcomes. So, the excuse ‘Waiting for the perfect time to start academic writing’ is a ridiculous myth.

Other authors must appreciate me

No writer can touch the height of Ideality. However, Ideality is almost impossible to achieve is not a myth. It’s a reality. If you have the self-perception that you can touch an ideal case to change the world, at the start of your writing career. I wish you all the best in making your dreams true. But, this is a myth.

In reality, the rejection is the pre-determined faith of the writers. Every writer has to feel the pain of rejection in their academic writing career sooner or later. Among a crowd of millions of the reader, thousand may like your way of writing. But, you cannot please everyone. In contrast, the world is full of leg-pullers and de-motivators.

So, your wish that other authors must appreciate your work is not true.

Hence, ignore this myth and clear your perception while writing something fascinating. Your writing purpose must be to aware public instead of getting praises. This tip will make your writing journey comfortable.

Your academic essay must contain fiction, emotions, and shocking events;

Another myth that I heard from my college fellows was:

‘Using fiction, shocking news and personal thoughts will make your academic essay an antique piece.’  

I practiced this myth many times in my academic writings, but all in vain. After spending many precious hours producing something out from this world, I realised they were fooling me. By writing this, I am giving other college fellows a message;

‘Please stay away from such riggers. If you want to make your essay an antique piece, then please use Gimmicks. Gimmicks are not a myth; it will make your essay memorable.’

Author Bio:

Robert Fawl is a professional Content Writer based in London, UK. He is an author and blogger with experience in writing different academic assignments. Currently Associated with Dissertation Writers UK. If you need dissertation writing services to write your dissertation, you can contact him.

Ahsan Khan
Ahsan Khan
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