Home Business 8 Tips For Safe Driving To Work

8 Tips For Safe Driving To Work

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During morning and evening rush hours, you must strictly follow driving safety requirements. During this time, road conditions are considerably more congested and complicated. As a result, professionals must be vigilant in order to arrive at work and return home safely. If you are required to drive a commercial vehicle as part of your profession, you will need to at least have auto insurance San Diego or business insurance depending on your company’s needs.

In this article, we will discuss eight driving safety guidelines for employees.

Do Not Drive While Intoxicated

Alcohol creates a variety of impairments that contribute to automobile accidents. Even at low blood-alcohol levels, drunkenness diminishes response time and coordination while also lowering inhibitions, which can lead to drivers making poor decisions. At greater concentrations, alcohol produces impaired or double vision and loss of consciousness.

Do Not Overspeed

“Speed kills,” as the old public service commercial so plainly stated. According to studies, every mile per hour you drive raises your chances of getting in an accident by four to five percent. The risk grows significantly faster at greater speeds.

Keep Distractions to a Minimum

The use of cell phones while driving is prohibited in the majority of nations, including Pakistan. The reason for this is the number of deaths associated with this seemingly innocuous pastime. Consider this: If you believe chatting and texting while driving isn’t a huge concern, consider this: One study matched the reaction time of a 20-year-old motorist on the phone to that of a 70-year-old driver. Furthermore, using a cell phone while driving might cause a 20% delay in reaction time.

Do Not Drive While Drowsy

We understand you need to get somewhere, but driving tired is just as dangerous as driving intoxicated.

According to a study done by Virginia Tech researchers, tiredness is a contributing factor in 20% of all accidents. When a motorist is exhausted enough to fall asleep while driving, the consequences are predictable. A sleepy motorist will ultimately slide off the road, even on a very straight roadway. Trees, power poles, ravines, and bridge abutments make this a hazardous environment – and that doesn’t even take into consideration other vehicles.

You might think a few yawns aren’t a big deal, but being sleepy is enough to raise your chances of getting into an accident. Responses might range from just nodding off to completely “zoning out” and losing all attention on the road. At highway speeds, a split second of inattention might spell tragedy.

Always Wear Your Seat Belt

Seat belts save people’s lives. When worn properly, they keep you from being tossed around the inside of a crashing car or, worse, from being thrown through the glass and hurled entirely out.
Everyone has heard horror stories about individuals dying in weird unusual incidents in which they might have survived if they hadn’t been wearing a seat belt. Even if these stories are accurate (many are exaggerations or urban legends), they are outliers. Wearing a seat belt increases your chances of survival in the vast majority of automobile accidents.

Take Extra Care in Bad Weather

Be extremely cautious if you’re driving in fog, heavy rain, a snowstorm, or on ice roads. Make use of all of the other suggestions offered here: Drive slower than the speed limit if required, leave plenty of space between yourself and the automobile ahead of you, and be especially cautious in bends. If you’re driving in weather circumstances you’re unfamiliar with, consider delegating driving tasks to someone who is. Find a safe area to wait out the storm if the weather intensifies.

Don’t Pay Too Much Attention

Drivers are advised to maintain a safe gap between themselves and the vehicle in front of them. Drivers must have ample time to respond if a vehicle makes an unexpected turn or halt. Because estimating appropriate driving distances may be tricky, and the actual distance would have to be adjusted for speed, most experts propose a “three-second guideline.”
The three-second rule is straightforward. Locate a stationary item on the roadside. Begin counting seconds when the car ahead of you passes it. At least three seconds should elapse between your vehicle and the same thing.

Keep an eye out for the Other Guy

It doesn’t always matter how cautiously you drive. You might be driving the speed limit and following all traffic laws when someone crashes into you. Assume everyone else on the road is an idiot is a decent rule of thumb to follow. In other words, expect unexpected lane changes, sudden stops, unsignaled turns, swerving, tailgating, and any other terrible driving conduct you can think of. You’re certain to run into someone like this at some point, and it’s best to be prepared.
It is hard to enumerate all of the conceivable actions of another motorist, but there are a few typical instances. If you’re backing out of a driveway and see an incoming automobile with its turn signal on, don’t assume it’s turning. Take your foot off the throttle and be ready to brake as you approach.

Of course, being prepared necessitates alertness, so check your mirrors and keep an eye on side streets to see what other cars are around and how they’re driving.

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