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Things That Matter in Article Submission Websites

When it comes to search engine optimization (SEO), submitting articles to article submission websites is one of the best things you can do to help get your website ranked higher. Here are ten things that matter when choosing an article submission website:

1. The website’s page rank and authority:

The first thing that matters is the page rank and authority of the article submission sites. A website with a high page rank and authority will be able to give your website a significant boost in search engine rankings. However, submitting articles is not worth your time if the website has a low page rank and authority. So, always check the page rank and authority of an article submission website before submitting your articles.

2. The number of inbound links:

The number of inbound links is one of the most critical factors in SEO. For your website to rank higher, you need to have high-quality inbound links from other websites. You want to ensure that the inbound links are from high-quality websites relevant to your website. So, when looking at article submission websites, check the number of inbound links and the quality of those inbound links.

3. How much traffic the website gets:

This matters because the more traffic a website gets, the more likely people will see your article. A website with a lot of traffic is also expected to be indexed by search engines more quickly, which means that your article will get more exposure. However, you also want to ensure that the website you’re submitting to be relevant to your niche, or else your article may not be seen by people interested in what you have to say.

4. The website’s audience demographics:

If you’re targeting a specific audience with your website or blog, you’ll want to ensure that your article submission site has an audience that matches your target demographic. There’s no point in submitting your articles to a site with an entirely different audience than the one you’re trying to reach.

5. The quality of the website’s content and user interface:

Ensure that the website you submit your articles to has high-quality content. This will ensure that your article will be associated with a credible and respected website. Also, check to see if the website has a user-friendly interface. This will make it easier for you to submit your articles and track their performance. So, the website you choose should have a good reputation and be user-friendly.

6. The number of articles the website has indexed on Google:

This is an excellent metric to gauge the quality of an article submission website. If the website has a lot of articles indexed on Google, it is likely a good quality website. However, if the website has very few articles indexed on Google, it is expected to be a lower-quality website. So, when looking at an article submission website, check how many articles it has indexed on Google.

7. Whether or not you can include a link back to your website:

The whole point of submitting articles to article submission websites is to get links back to your website. These links help improve your website’s ranking in search engines. So, you want to ensure that the article submission website you choose allows you to include a link to your site. Besides this, you also want to check if the website will enable you to have a link in the resource box. If not, then it’s probably not worth your time submitting to that website.

8. Quality of website content:

When submitting articles to article submission websites, you want to be sure that the site you’re submitting is high quality. This means that the articles on the site are well-written and informative. The last thing you want is to submit your article to a site full of poorly written articles, as this will reflect negatively on your website.

9. The website’s Google PageRank:

Google PageRank is a metric that measures the quality of a website. The higher the PageRank, the more authority the website has. Besides this, a website’s PageRank can also be a good indicator of its quality. However, it’s essential to remember that not all article submission websites have a high PageRank. But, if you can find a website with a high PageRank, it’s likely to be a good quality site.

Read more: https://freesubmissionsite.com/

10. Whether or not the website is free to submit to:

There are both free and paid article submission websites. While it may be tempting to save some money and only submit to the free websites, this may not be the best idea. Paid websites tend to have stricter guidelines, which can mean that your articles are more likely to be accepted. They also tend to have a larger readership, which can mean more exposure for your website.

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