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Repurposing Cardboard Boxes For Cat Houses And Pet Toys

Nowadays you can find many interesting and unusual accessories for pets in pet stores. But it is not always necessary to buy cat property: you can create some things with your own hands. For example, a house for a cat out of a box. custom printed pizza boxes are designed to make your pizzas fresh. Also to make them attractive.

Cardboard Cat House

Cats love cardboard boxes, and there’s a scientific explanation for it. So your pet will probably be very happy with a house out of a box. It is only important to take into account a few nuances.

  • A box that recently contained something odorous will not work: cats do not like strong and pungent odors.
  • The size is selected so that you can comfortably lie on your side inside: for a medium-sized cat, this is a space of about 50 by 50 cm. The height of the house should allow you to stand without touching the roof – 30–40 cm for the same average cat.
  • How to make a house for a kitten? You should not try to make a property “for growth”: in a box that is too spacious, the baby will feel uncomfortable. It’s better to start with a compact children’s version and practice at the same time.
  • When arranging the entrance, you need to focus on the pet’s temperament. If the cat is an introvert and likes to be alone, you need to cut just enough of a hole so that she can easily enter inside. But a sociable, sociable cat, on the contrary, will like the most spacious entrance, through which it is convenient to view the surroundings from the inside.

What you Need to Make a Homemade Cat House

In addition to the box itself, construction requires only a minimal set of materials and tools. It includes:

  • scissors
  • stationery knife
  • roulette
  • pencil
  • wide tape
  • PVA glue
  • paints and brush

How to Make a Cat House: step-by-step Instructions

The construction of a cat house made of cardboard consists of 5 simple steps.

  1. First, you need to strengthen the future house. To do this, all seams, except the top of the box, are taped.
  2. We outline and form the entrance. You can completely remove the rectangle of cardboard, but it’s more beautiful to cut out a double door and move the doors apart. If the future owner of the house prefers a round entrance hole, it is convenient to mark it using a plate of a suitable diameter.
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  4. If the house has a classic gable roof, then to create it you will need the upper doors of the box. The front, on the side where the entrance is, and the opposite side must be cut in the shape of isosceles triangles, the other two must be cut off completely. The cut parts need to be fastened together with tape along one of the edges and installed as slopes. To attach the roof to the house you will need tape.
  5. To make the house even more comfortable, you can lay a thin mattress or blanket on the bottom.
  6. As a final touch, a cardboard house for a cat can be made not only comfortable but also beautiful. For example, paint the walls with acrylic paints, and stick “tiles” cut out of paper onto the roof.

Of course, such a cardboard structure cannot be called very durable. If you need a more fundamental structure, you can choose it at a pet store. But before you buy, you should study 

How to Choose the Most Suitable House for Your Cat.

Felines are animals of solace, and having an assigned space to call their own is fundamental for their prosperity. Be that as it may, with plenty of feline houses accessible, choosing the right one can overpower. Dread not, individual feline parent! This guide will assist you with exploring the universe of custom burger box houses and picking the perfect one for your shaggy companion.

Exploring Your Options: Types of Cat Houses

  • Investigating Your Choices: Sorts of Feline Houses Now that you comprehend your feline’s requirements. 
  • Conventional Encased Houses: These propositions a comfortable, secure space for your feline to withdraw and unwind. 
  • how about we investigate various kinds of houses: Search for houses with delicate sheet material and ventilation openings. 
  • Open-Top Houses: Ideal for felines who like to notice their environmental factors while having a good sense of reassurance. Search for choices with raised stages or roosts. 
  • Staggered Houses: Ideal for lively felines who love to climb and investigate. These frequently include inclines, stepping stools, and stages for vertical experiences. 
  • Scratching Post Houses: Consolidates a scratching post with a comfortable hideout, empowering scratching conduct in an assigned spot.


picking the right house for your feline goes past feel; about making a sanctuary takes care of their particular necessities and inclinations. By taking into account your feline’s age, size, character, and any well-being contemplations, you can limit the choices and select a house that offers solace, security, and a spot to communicate their normal ways of behaving. Whether you settle on a comfortable encased space, a staggered climbing heaven, or a scratching post combo, guarantee the material is reasonable for scratching and simple to clean. Keep in mind, that the area is critical; pick a peaceful region with some regular light where your feline can have a good sense of reassurance and notice their environmental factors.

Jack henry
Jack henry
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