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List of Best English to Urdu Translation App

If you are interested in learning Urdu, you have two choices. Either find a teacher offline or online. Or in case you want the translation of some specific words in Urdu. Then, make use of English to Urdu Translation App

To begin with, Urdu is one the most beautiful, sweetest, and most sophisticated languages in the world. Because of the limitless grace of the Urdu words, poets worldwide are well informed about the language used in their verses to enhance it. The politeness, beauty, and feel of the Urdu language, I personally believe, are not even comparable to any language. Moreover, Urdu is the perfect example of showing respect to someone else. 

To the reader’s knowledge, Urdu is the national language of Pakistan. Along with that, it is also an official language of some of the states in India. To be precise, Six states in India use Urdu. The impact of the language is quite deep in the heart of Urdu and Non-Urdu Speakers. Thus, we can conclude that Urdu has the sweetness of Japanese and Bangla, and the elegance of French, the ceremony and flow of English, and the flow of Italian. Henceforth, if we combine all these languages, we get “Urdu.” Moreover, some of the precious pieces of literature are found in the Urdu language. Thus, it becomes important to know in detail why People love Urdu.

Reasons why the Urdu language has a fan following from all over the world?

It is normal to think that there are several reasons why people love the language. 

  • Thus, if we are talking about Urdu love. We got the first answer to our Why. Yes, you guessed right. “Ursu is the language of love.” If you want to impress your lover or make them feel special. Just express your love in Urdu. 
  • Amazing and beautiful words: No doubt, once in a lifetime, we come across the Urdu word that we are dying to know its meaning. There is some kind of attraction you will feel when you read the word out loud. It pulls you towards itself. Moreover, it brings out the lost and hidden inner shaayar. You will believe in the fact that it has magic. 
  • Urdu has charm as well as decency in it. Furthermore, it is one of the most famous reasons why people love Urdu. Most of the time, we don’t understand the meaning due to not being well aware of the language. But still, it captivates the readers and mesmerizes them with its sheer beauty. 
  • The most amazing reason why so many people love Urdu. Because the language cannot abuse anyone. You can also say that perhaps it is the only language that you cannot abuse. The sweetness in the language is the perfect evidence of the love of the Urdu language 

Best “English to Urdu Translation app” for the readers

We all know that the best translation app, whether you want to translate English to Urdu, Japanese to English, French to Spanish, or any kind is “Google Translator.” Moreover, it is very easy to use, and you can easily find it on the browser by searching on it. However, the other apps you can use to solve the purpose are listed below!!

  • Typing Baba:  The website allows users to perform translation activities and add features like Online Keyboard, Typing Tutor, and Game and Tying Tools. Users can get free access to the website and use its blog facility.  
  • One can also use “Microsoft Translator.” It has some limitations. Thus, Microsoft Translate allows the user’s translation for 60 languages only. Moreover, iOs, as well as Android users, can use the app for free. 
  • Easy Typing Urdu; It is one of the best websites when it comes to translating English words into the Urdu language. It also has features to translate the Indian local, regional language. Moreover, this website is also available free for users. 
  • LingvaNex:- It is also the best website that allows the users to translate upto 10k words momentarily. This is why it stands on a different side than other websites. Its interface is user-friendly and also has other features like a dictionary tool, voice translation, and translation in various languages. 


 I hope you get the answer to your question. Not only did we cover the best English to Urdu Translation app”. But also why people from all over the world love Urdu. For more updates, please bookmark the page.

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