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Is the CAT 2022 Exam Tough?

Is the CAT 2022 Exam Tough? This is one of the first questions asked by every CAT aspirant before commencing the preparation for the entrance exam. The answer is totally based on the will and preparation skills of the candidate. The Common Admission Test (CAT) is conducted by IIMs as a prerequisite for admission to various MBA programs. This year the exam is scheduled to be held on November 27, 2022, in three sessions. 

Cracking the CAT exam is a very challenging task because lakhs of candidates participate in this exam every year. Hence, the candidates are advised to get well-versed with the exam pattern, syllabus, previous year’s question papers, and overall difficulty of the entrance exam. Hence, if you are an avid CAT exam aspirant then this page is going to be helpful in getting the right tips to do the same. 

How Tough is the CAT 2022 Exam?

Candidates are required to get familiar with the exam pattern to know the level of difficulty of the exam. We all know that the CAT exam is a tough nut to crack owing to the cut-throat competition among aspirants. Hence, to ascertain the difficulty level, one needs to be familiar with the important aspects of the exam such as eligibility, CAT exam pattern, and curriculum. Knowing these things helps in overcoming the challenges and helps in securing more marks in the exam. CAT previous year question papers could be of great help. Solving CAT previous year question papers can help you fetch a good score and gain insights.

CAT Exam Pattern and CAT syllabus

The CAT 2022 exam carries questions based on both MCQs and Non-MCQs. Additionally,  there shall be the provision of a negative marking for MCQ-based questions whereas no negative marking for Non-MCQs based questions. A total of 66 questions are expected to be asked in the upcoming exam this year. As per the CAT paper pattern, the entrance exam comprises three sections as shared below:

Section 1: Verbal Ability and Reading Comprehension

Section 2: Data Interpretation and Logical Reasoning

Section 3: Quantitative Aptitude

Marking Scheme of CAT 2022

Candidates must check the CAT marking scheme to understand the sectional and overall difficulty level and marks weightage of each section of the exam. Check out the marking scheme detailed below:

Sections Number of Questions Marks Negative Marking (MCQs)
Quantitative Aptitude 22 3 -1
VARC 24 3 -1
DILR 20 3 -1
Total 66 198

CAT 2022 Time Limit

Another factor that can make the CAT 2022 exam tough is that the candidates need to attempt 66 questions in 120 minutes. It implies that there is sectional timing of 40 minutes for each section. Hence, it is advised to attempt less time-consuming questions first with accuracy and then focus on those that take more time. Also, the candidates need to understand that it is not possible to solve all questions at once so they should stay confident and stress-free throughout the exam.

What Makes the CAT 2022 Exam Tough in the Context of the CAT Exam Pattern and CAT syllabus ?

According to the CAT exam pattern, there are certain factors that can contribute to the difficulty level of the CAT 2022 exam. Hence, we have discussed below the list of important factors along with tips to ease the preparation journey.

  • Vast CAT Syllabus in the CAT exam pattern : Since the CAT syllabus is vast, it is important for the candidates to build a deep understanding of all sections of the entrance exam. After covering the syllabus, candidates must solve CAT’s previous year question papers to get an idea of their preparation level and the types of questions asked in the exam.
  • Cut-Throat Competition: The competition level for the CAT 2022 exam is extremely high with underlying CAT syllabus. More than two lakhs aspirants attempt this exam every year with the intention to secure the highest percentile in the exam. Thus, one must develop the ability to focus on studies for long hours without feeling tired to stay ahead in the competition. 
  • Level of Questions: It is found that the difficulty level of the CAT exam has been moderate-difficult over the last few years. The difficulty level usually varies every year owing to various factors. Thus, to overcome this burden one needs to build robust techniques to identify the pattern and solve questions in less time.
  • Accuracy: It is important for the candidates to be absolutely sure of their attempts because of the negative marking in the CAT 2022 exam. They must keep in mind that solving fewer questions correctly can fetch them more marks than solving more questions with less accuracy.


Jaxson henry
Jaxson henry
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