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Things Which You Must Include and Avoid in Dissertation Analysis

So, you have finally collected the data after months of hard work. Now, what is next? The next is to analyze the data and present your analysis in the dissertation. Many students do not know how to do this. They just take it as normal chapters and explain the findings in two to three lines. It is a very wrong practice, and students must avoid doing this. How can students avoid this practice? Obviously, by knowing what to include and avoid in the dissertation analysis chapter. It is why today’s article is all about explaining this very important issue. But before moving on to the actual discussion, let’s explain what it means by dissertation analysis.

What Does It Mean By Dissertation Analysis?

The results and analysis chapter holds immense importance in a dissertation or thesis. In the analysis chapter, you talk about your research findings and how they answer the research questions. It is called a dissertation analysis chapter. Sometimes, this section is also called the dissertation discussion chapter. It is important to note that the results and the analysis chapters can be combined as well as separated. It mainly depends on your teachers’ and university’s guidelines. The analysis chapter mainly serves the following purposes:

  • Interprets the results and explains all the findings in a detailed manner
  • Discusses the research results in the context of research questions and answers them
  • This chapter also justifies your approach
  • Evaluates your dissertation or thesis critically and objectively

What To Include In A Ph.D. Thesis Analysis?

As you can see, today’s article has two sections. It will explain what to include in the analysis and what to exclude. So, let’s first describe what you need to include in this important chapter. Hence, a brief description of the necessary additions is as follows as shared by expert writers of top dissertation writing services:

Overview Of The Analysis Chapter To Form The Base

The first and the most important thing to include is the overview of the analysis chapter. It means you should talk about the research purpose and how you have conducted this research to collect the data. The description of the data collection techniques and instruments you have used should also be part of the analysis. Talking about any assumptions you made during the study is also good practice. It is necessary as it forms the base of the reader for the upcoming discussion. Hence, providing an overview is the first thing to include.

Finding And Explaining The Themes And Patterns

The next thing to include in the Ph.D. thesis analysis chapter is the explanation of themes and patterns. It is clear that an analysis is run on the collected data to identify the hidden themes and patterns. Without those patterns, research is useless. Therefore, you must talk about the patterns that you have obtained during the analysis. It is also this chapter’s first requirement that you must keep in mind.

Give Your Judgment And Interpretation Of The Results

It is the main part of this chapter. Without interpretation of the obtained results, it is an empty chapter. Therefore, you must give your judgment and a critical view of the results obtained. While giving the interpretation, if any new theme comes to your mind that you have not discussed previously, then discuss it. You must give a proper conclusion to that theme in relation to the research questions.

While giving your interpretation, discuss the reliability of your data. You can do this by identifying its significance and importance. Hence, proper interpretation is the most thing to include in a dissertation analysis.

What To Avoid In A Ph.D. Thesis Analysis?

Along with things to include, there are also other things you must avoid in the analysis chapter. Now, you must be thinking about what those things are. Let’s not make you think too much. A brief description of the things to avoid in the analysis chapter is as follows:

Do Not Restate Your Results

Please note that the dissertation discussion chapter is not a chapter to restate your results. You must present results in the results section or the section. Here, you only need to discuss the results in the context of your research questions. Instead of restating your results, use bridge sentences that relate the results to the interpretation. An example of this is: The lack of available housing for a single woman with a child in Texas suggests that… See, it is a bridge sentence. After using this sentence, you can directly jump to interpreting the results. No need to restate the results.

Do Not Introduce The New Results

What do many students do? They introduce new results in the analysis chapter. It is a very wrong practice that they must avoid. It is because this chapter is not the place to introduce new results. Here, you should only discuss and analyze the results that have been previously stated in the results chapter. If you want to introduce such a result, do this in the previous chapter but not in the analysis chapter. It is because if you do this, it will undermine your dissertation quality, which you do not want.

Avoid Too Much Use Of The First Person

The use of the first person is acceptable in the dissertation analysis chapter. But you should refrain from using the first person more than required in this chapter. It is because too much use of “I” and “we” can distract the reader from understating the actual interpretation. Therefore, avoid it to ensure a better readership.


Writing a dissertation analysis involves dedication and carefulness. At the end of the dissertation, you have so much data that sometimes you can make some mistakes. Therefore, it is necessary that you know what to include and avoid in this chapter. The points mentioned above can help you a lot in knowing this. Therefore, read the whole article and rock the analysis.

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